Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 4 - Juneau, Alaska

I awoke this morning with good intentions, I had signed up for a spin class ($12 per class) in the gym for 8:00 a.m. thinking this would ease the guilt I have been feeling about the abundance of desserts I have enjoyed thus far. Now to get to the gym I had to walk through the Lido Deck where the most magnificent breakfast is served every morning. I was so hungry and it all smelled so wonderful that I in the end decided to skip spin class and and have my favorite eggs benedict, one with mushrooms the other spinach, accompanied by freshly squeezed orange juice and a bowl of fresh fruit. I have to say I think I made the right decision. I did however manage to partake in a yoga class later in the morning which I am feeling now 24 hours later.

We had a great day in Juneau, where we stopped from 12 noon until 9 pm yesterday. All though there are numerous shore excursion to be taken, all looking very interesting, we decided to take a day off and just enjoy wandering through the town and it’s shops. We stopped for a bite to eat and a drink at the famous Red Dog Salon and did a lot of our souvenier shopping. Our feet began to feel it after a couple hours so we came back on the boat and enjoyed the sunny afternoon up on deck reading and relaxing.

It’s nice sometimes to stay on board when everyone else is gone, you have the whole place to yourselves. We ended up dining at the Caneletto Italian restaurant, no extra charge for that one, and had a lovely dinner overlooking the port of Juneau as the sun sank slowely behine the mountains. As we pulled away from port that night we relaxed in a hot tub on the Lido Deck. There were a total of 4 other ships in the harbour that day, which is about what you can expect daily according to a local merhcant.

I tried to make it to the midnight buffet again last night with no luck, the days are just to long and action packed to stay awake that long.

Stay tuned for more from Hubbard Glacier tonight!

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