Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 6 - Stika, Alaska

We awoke this morning to the most spectacular scenery and the day only got better as it went on. We had a delicous fruit crepe on the Lido Deck for breakfast and then headed out on our private tour. The boat picked us up right from the ship as we were tendered in the bay. Within minutes of taking off, we stopped to watch as 2 hump back whales rolled in and out of the water, amazing! We continued on to Silver Bay, along the way saw starfish coating the rocks along the shore, a bald eagle on it’s nest, supposedly there were eaglets in the nest, and then onto the Salmon Haterchy. I never expected to be so facianted by this process. We saw another bald eagle family at the hatchery and watched as they tagged and then release the baby salmon into the ocean. On the way back to town we were again entertained by another 3 hump back whales within about 50 feet of the boat. The team on board were so informative and we all had a great time.

We were taken to town to the community center where we had a wonderful boxed lunch and learned about the two different tribes in the area, Raven Clan and Eagle Clan, and about there culture and heritage. After lunch we were off to visit the Russion Cathedral and then had the afternoon to explore the town and do some more souvenier shopping. I much prefer the town of Sitka to Juneau, a little prettier and abit more to see and do.

Tonight was the last formal dinner and they don’t dissapoint. I had escargot to begin the meal, then a spinach salad with mushrooms and bacon, main course was steak and Lobster (right in the shell) and finished off with the Baked Alaska (I can’t get enough of it!). We walked it all off though, doing 4 laps around the lower promenade. It was a windy and cold night but we were able to spot atleast 20 hump back whales around the ship, truly amazing.

Tomorrow is the big day in Ketchekan and our Zip Lining Adventure. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow night!

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