Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Huatulco Becomes The First Destination in the World to Receive EarthCheck Gold Certification

HUATULCO, Mexico, June 9, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The coastal paradise, Huatulco in southern Mexico [Oaxaca], became the first destination in the world to receive EarthCheck’s Gold certification, in yet another display of Mexico’s sustainable tourism credentials. Previously, EarthCheck awarded Gold certification only to facilities such as resorts, and not communities such as Huatulco. Huatulco received the prestigious certification for meeting the rigorous sustainable tourism requirements of EarthCheck across a range of aspects such as environmental legislation, energy usage, water conservation, wastewater management, biodiversity, and waste reduction.

Speaking at the EarthCheck Sustainable Tourism Forum, also held this year in Huatulco, Adriana Perez Quesnel, director of the Fondo Nacional del Fomento al Turismo (FONATUR), said, “We are immensely proud to receive this certification and even more so to be the first destination in the world to do so. This achievement is a clear demonstration of how government, the private sector and local communities can work together to deliver significant benefits to the world in which we live.”

“FONATUR has driven sustainable practice in the Mexican tourism industry and has forged a vision of respect for nature conservation in Integrally Planned Resorts, to promote tourism, help strengthen the local economy and promote local traditions and culture.”

Huatulco has gained EarthCheck certification for the previous five consecutive years. As a result of the certification, Huatulco will be one of 13 global destinations featured on a new program on the Discovery Channel in 2012. The documentary will be broadcast to over 200 million people over the next two years.

“In Mexico alone, EarthCheck member organizations have saved a combined total of 26,349,880 kg of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) since data started being collected in 2003,” explained EarthCheck Ambassador, Gustavo Ramos Fumagalli. “They have also reduced water consumption by 2,196,674,635L of water, dramatically reducing pressure on natural resources in a country that is familiar with the unforgiving effects of drought.”

To meet Earth Check’s strict requirements, Huatulco constructed new water management infrastructure including:

* 17 km of storm protection channels,
* 23 re-lift stations for sewage treatment and management and
* Harvesting structures which collect storm water runoff.

In May 2011, Mexico was also recognized by the Rainforest Alliance in New York for its achievements in sustainable tourism in the Mayakoba region and the forestry practices of the Mexican government.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Melissa's UK Adventure - Day 12

Today was our last day in the UK, and I think one of the best. We started off the day by checking out of our hotel and walking down the street to the other hotel. We stored our bags and waited in the lobby for the pick up. It was supposed to be there at 7am but did not show up until 8am. After the pick up, he dropped us off at Victoria Coach Station for the beginning of the tour. There was 55 of us in total and one guide. I was so excited because we were going to see all of the landmarks of London that you see all the time on T.V, but now they were in person.

We started off the tour with the first stop at Westminster Abbey. We could not go inside because that would cost extra, so we stood in front and Steve, the tour guide, told us all about it. Of course it is best known for the place were princess Diana's funeral was held and were prince William got married, but it is also one of the most important Gothic biuldings in Britain and the coronation church for all of the kings and queens since 1066. It is hugh when you see it in person and just an amazing sight. Next we were off to the Tower of London, but because it was Sunday it was not open until 10am. So before it opened, Steve took us to see the Tower Bridge. This the bridge that everbody always thinks is London Bridge, but it is not. It completly opens up in the middle to let bigger boats under. It used to open several times a day years ago, but now it only opens maybe once a month.

At the Tower of London, it was very busy but we got in right away because we were a group. We were meet at the entrance by a Yeoman Warder, or Beefeater, who was going to take us on the tour. He told us all about the different buildings and towers and all of the stories that go along with them. We saw the famous ravens all over the grounds, because it is said that if the ravens were to leave the Tower of London, the kingdom and the fortress would fall. Lucky for us they were still there. The last part of the tour was the Crown Jewels. You followed a hugh line of people through the building and they show films about what you are going to see and of the kings and queens wearing the jewels. At the end you empty into a room and they are all there. It was an awesome sight to see such beautiful pieces of royality.

After the Tower, we were on the way to see the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace. We arrived just in time to see the old guard march away. How the changing works is, everyday the new guards march to the palace with a band leading them. They stand face to face with the old guard until all of the official paper work is done and then the old guard march away with the band leading them. This happens everday, at the same time, no exceptions. Steve got us in the perfect spot to see it. We were right at the gate that they march into, so I got some great pictures, and Sharon got it all on video. This is what I had always dreamed of seeing and I saw it. It's hard for me to believe that I saw it. After we went up to the front of the palace and got to see the famous balcony were William and Kate kissed.

Next we were off to see Big Ben and the House of Parliment. We did not have time to get out and look around, but I got some good pictures. The clock tower is really not called Big Ben, it is the bell inside that is Big Ben, but people just started calling the whole thing by that name and it stuck. Big Ben is the largest four faced chiming clock in the world, fun fact for you.

Next was a cruise on the River Thames. Sharon stayed on the bus for this one, because we know how well she does on boats. We docked by Big Ben and just took a short 20 minute criuse down the river to the Tower of London. It was a good opertunity to get some good shots of buildings along the river. As we were cruising, Steve was telling us all about how people hundreds of years ago would use the river for everything. it was very interesting. When we docked, it was time to grab something quick for lunch.

After lunch, we were going to St. Peters Cathedrial. I only know this church because this is were Princess Diana got married. On Sunday, tour guides are not allowed to go in the church because it is a place of worship. So Steve stood outside and told us all about it. When we got to go inside, we were only allowed in one small area because mass was going on. The last stop was at the London Eye, where we were going on a "flight". I say flight and not ride because this is not a ferris wheel but an observation wheel. You only take rides on ferris wheels. Built in 1999 on the banks of the River Thames and also knowen as the Millennium Wheel, it is the tallest wheel in Europe at 135m. We only had to line up for about 10 minutes and then we got right on. It was scary at first because they do not stop it, you have to get on while it is still going. But once you are on, it is amazing. Views from any part of the journey are amazing. Nothing in front of you, I could see Buckingham Palace perfectly and we could see almost to the edge of the city. The entire trip takes 30 minutes and before you know it, it is over. Truelly an unforgetable day, but to end it all off, we took one of the famous black cabs of London back to the hotel.

This entire trip has been a dream come true for me and i am truly grateful that I got to experience it. I would like to thank the 12 people in my group that decided to join me on this trip. You were a fabulous group and I really enjoyed each and every one of you. I have made some life long friends and can't wait to do it again.
So guys, were to next......

Westminster Abbey

Tower Bridge

Tower of London

White Tower in the Tower of London grounds


Guard at the Tower

The Changing of the Guards

The Changing of the Guards

Buckingham Palace

St. Pauls Cathedral

London Eye

The pod that you travel in

The palace from the "eye"

Big Ben from the "eye"