Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 3 - Alaska

I awoke this morning to the feeling that I was going to roll right out of bed. We had run into rough water conditions overnight and can still feel them now as we get ready for bed. Supposedly this is not the norm and they have advised us it should settle down some time later tonight. Luckily I was not affected adversely by the rocking motion, took a little getting used to, especially walking in a straight line, but overall not bad at all. We also had gained a wave pool on the Lido Deck and you had to be careful not to get soaked as the water gushed over the edges of the pool as the boat rocked to and fro.

Today we were at sea all day as we passed the Queen Charlotte Islands, land was nowhere to found until late this afternoon. We spent the day relaxing and exploring the ship. I believe we finally have our bearings and can move about the ship with ease. I took in a seminar on Detox for Weight Loss this afternoon and then rode the elliptical for about half hour. I didn’t fell as guilty for all the delectable treats I have eaten throughout the day. I have also discovered the Explorers CafĂ© and am very impressed with their lattes and even purchased a coffee card today, 10 lattes for $26.00, not bad at all.

The ship is filled with the most amazing art work and historic pieces. You could spend days just taking it all in. We came across Chinese sculptures dating back to 220 A.D. and Japanese Samurai armor from the 1700’s. There was the most fascinating cabinet from 1700 century Italy, with parquet inlay. The detailing is beautiful. Everywhere you look they have stunning paintings with some available for purchase.

Tonight was the formal evening and 14 of us in my group met for dinner in the main dining room, La Fontaine for a late meal at 8:00 pm. I just love the serving staff on board; they are such a pleasure to be around, witty and so friendly, they do make the meal such fun. I started off with Jumbo Shrimp, Yukon potato and yellow tomato soup, fresh Alaskan King Crab legs soaked in butter and ended off with the Baked Alaskan with caramel toffee sauce. I can see why the average person gains 7-14 pounds on a 7 day cruise. I have decided that I am going to try and take advantage of the complimentary gym, and take the stairs as much as I can and also eat a light lunch so we can treat ourselves at supper time!

Tomorrow is a full day as I have signed up for spin class at 8:00 am and Yoga at 9:00 am and we will be arriving in Juneau, the Alaskan Capital, at 12:00 noon. We plan on exploring the town on our own in lieu of a shore excursion.

We’ll tell you all about it tomorrow night 

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