Sharon and I are not very good at reading maps, so we were walking slow and making sure to pay attention. At first we went in the wrong direction because we could not find any street names. Once we realized that they were all on the side of the buildings, we were fine. It was fun walking because we got to see everything close up. I think alot of people walk to work because the streets were packed. We also had to be careful when we were crossing the streets because with the cars driving on the wrong side, we were always looking the wrong way when trying to cross.
Rounding a corner, the museum came into view. In front were hugh black iron gates and beyond them was a hugh crowd of people. One of the reasons why I wanted to visit the museum was because I love them, but also it is free to visit. Well for this last reason, it is popular for tourists and big tour groups. We quickly passed them and made our way in. It was breath taking inside. It was the biggest museum that I ever seen. We had a quick look around, but I wanted to go to one area in preticular, Egypt. I have always been interested in Egypt and this was my first time seeing artifacts from there. It was cool and very interesting. We spent about another hour walking around this hugh place, seeing things like the Rosetta Stone and a statue from Easter Island. It was fun and hard to believe that it was all free.
After the museum, we walked back to our hotel. Along the way we passed so many pubs that we decided to stop in one and have a drink. We must have really looked like tourists, because right away the girl started to explain the differences between "ales" and "lagers" to us. We finally decided to have a "Becks" each and sat down to enjoy. It must be something about being in England and sitting in a pub, because I all of a sudden wanted fish & chips, which I don't like back home. It was really good and seems to taste better here. After another couple of beers, we stumbled back to the hotel.
Tonite we are not sure what we are going to do. Maybe head over to the theatre district to see a show, or maybe back to the pub for more beers. Tomorrow my group from Winnipeg all arrive for our Trafalgar tour. It is going to be fun with the whole group together.
Stay tuned.....
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