Saturday, July 3, 2010

The key to a relaxing vacation

I think the key to a relaxing vacation is to plan nothing!  We have made no major plans thus far and have spent a heck of a lot of time just lounging around the house and yard and if we do end up going out it's a last minute decision and therefore causes no stress.  We do what we feel like when we feel like it.  The kids seem to enjoy themselves no matter what is going on.  They are content playing water balloon wars ($1 for 1000 at Dollorama) or just running through the backyard sprinkler.  I discovered this on my recent cruise where we had chosen open dining and chose not to pre book our excursions.  Again we ate when we were hungry and we took out time exploring each port on our own terms.  We did end up booking a few excursions but did so the day before and knew we were up to it.

So now that I have discovered the secret I am enjoying myself much more. We are loving Sarnia so much that we have informed the grand-parents that we will purchase their home when they are ready to move into the retirement home.  No rush though. The weather here has been fantastic this week, sunny skys, warm winds and the humidity has been relatively low.  Today and tomorrow it is supposed to creep back up to 31 with a humidex bringing it to 40.  We plan to keep cool at the water park and pool down at Tecumseh Park, the local swimming quarters, $3.75 for the whole family.  It also has a skate park and play park attached. 
Canada Day was a fantastic celebration here in Sarnia.  The day began with a short drive and long hike down to Cantera Park where we grabbed a great spot under a big tree and set up camp for the morning.  The Canada Day Parade came right by us and ended in the middle of the park at around 12 noon.  I couldn't get over how many of the town folks came to watch, the streets were lined for blocks!  In the park they had a large field set up with booths selling crafts, clothing, jewellery and more as well as a wide variety of foods from around town.  We wandered a bit until the kids came across a Henna Tattoo booth and we ended up waiting while they all got temporary tattoos by a local artist.  Cantera Beach is right in the park so we headed over to play in the sand and surf.  The waves are HUGE and the kids enjoyed body surfing for the remainder of the afternoon.

They ended the day with fireworks down on the shores of the St Claire River just after the sun had set over Port Huron.  I hadn't planned on going as I was more than exhausted from our day in the sun but I am so glad we did as it was an spectacular display of lights.

Last night we took a walk down by the Bridge.  It's a lovely park with a winding path along the river banks and under the Blue Water Bridge (takes you to the USA).  You can plant yourself on one of many park benches and watch the sunset, or the kids can let loose on the playground, feed the Trout at the fish hatchery or indulge yourself with an order of famous "chips" from the chip truck.  If you are feeling really gutsy you can join some of the local youth and take a swim up river.  They jump in at the opening to the river and the very strong current carries them quickly down the river where you must swim hard to get yourself back to shore.  Perhaps next visit I'll try :)

That's all for today, remember less planning, more relaxing.

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