Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Summer in Southern Ontario

Complete and utter relaxation.... ah this is the life.  Yesterday we took it easy with a trip to the local play ground in the morning and a visit to the charming downtown area in the afternoon.  The kids enjoyed shopping at the local mall too.  We are quickly becoming adept at getting around this lovely town. 

Today we spent the morning at the Mike Weir Beach Park just north of town.  The temperatures have been really mild since we arrived and I thought the kids quite brave when they ventured into the lake.  I made an attempt but it felt like someone had thrown a bucket of ice cubes over me!  But when the sun came out it was beautiful and we all had a great time.

One of the best things about being on vacation at Grandma and Grandpa's is that free babysitting is provided.  We took advantage of this fantastic amenity and my husband and I had a romantic date night tonight.  Our gift card from East Side Mario's was put to good use finally.  We've been hanging onto this birthday gift for over a year as there are no East Side Mario's in Winnipeg.  It was a delicious dinner, Chris had ribs and I the scallop fettucini carbonera and then we finished off with the Chocolate Vesuvius (lave cakes with ice-cream).  It was a clear and warm evening so we headed down to the Bridge for a relaxing stroll along the St Claire River and Lake Huron. 

I am excited about the festivities planned for tomorrow, Canada Day.  The day begins with a parade from downtown to Cantera Park where there will be ethnic foods and goodies served and crafts for sale and rides for the kids. 

Safe Journeys everyone.

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