Sunday, September 27, 2009

Rome to London

Deb Peters escorted group with Trafalgar Tours

We arrived safely in Rome on Friday, September 25th after a over night flight with Air Canada. Eventhough everyone was tired it was wonderful to be in Europe and for some of us the 1st time. The weather was close to 30 and sunny.

Trafalgar picked us up at the airport and took us through the Ancient Gates of Rome and through downtown to our hotel, The Rouge et Noir.

After meeting our tour director, Craig Hill, we settled into our rooms for a little rest and then it was off to a Welcome Dinner and Rome at Night Highlights.

Everyone slept well that night and we were ready to go after a continental breakfast at the hotel and we were off to see the Collesium. It was amazing. The history with our tour guide Danielle was detailed and very interesting and humorous. After lunch at a Cafe overlooking the Collesium we headed to the Vatican and the Sistine Chapel. The great thing about our tour was we did not have to wait in any line ups. Michelangols masterpiece was magnificient.

The back to our room for a quick change and then to Dinner and the Trevi Fountain. There were many people throwing their coins into the fountain. One coin to return to Rome, Two to fall in love in Rome and three coins to marry in Rome.

Watch for the next chaper as we are off to Venice.

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