Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Denise to Los Angeles

People in LA are so nice, and so helpful, I can't wait to get there; even if it is just for 1 day.

We've booked a Mexican Riviera cruise for January and we're quite excited. Now that the big part is done (cruise and air) it's all about the details. We are going to overnight at an LAX hotel and then go to the port in Long Beach the next morning .

Our first step was figuring out how to travel the 1 hour from LAX to the pier. I always like to know my options, so obviously, the first one is to book transfers from the cruise line. But there was a little hitch in the return so I needed to know about cabs also. I found a cab company online and sent a message. I'm not sure I really expected to get an answer back - I was emailing from a country away, asking how much a trip would cost in January... pretty easy to dismiss a message like that. But, later that day, I heard from the manager of the cab company who not only gave me the estimated cost, but all sorts of helpful details for both parts of the trip, there and back. It was a long and detailed message and I was so grateful I wrote back to thank her for writing quickly and just generally being so great.

Then, we decided that for the afternoon/evening we are in LA we would spend it at the Santa Monica Pier. I searched their site to find out what there is to do. Turns out they have an aquarium but the winter hours are shorter and I was worried how much time it takes to get through. It's possible that after we land, check in, and catch the city bus to the pier we might not have time to enjoy all the fish exhibits. So, I found a contact and emailed them with my concerns. Again, I got a quick reply from the director of the aquarium who explained how long an average visit could take as well as giving me some information on their exhibits, the best days and times to visit, when feedings take place, and all sorts of other good information. So, once again, I was pleasantly surprised at the help I was getting.

Then, I noticed there's a Mexican restaurant at the end of the pier, and we NEVER turn down a Mexican restaurant (we've been known to take a trip to Grand Forks just to get a good burrito for dinner!) Once again, I sent an email from the website, asking if they recommend reservations on Saturdays, or if they even accept reservations. I explained we weren't coming for another 4 months, but I just wanted to work on "my plan". I was worried we would get all the way there and not be able to get in and have to find somewhere else to eat (and it wouldn't be Mexican). Within a couple hours I heard back from the restaurant manager saying that they don't normally take reservations, but for us they would, I could just send him an email the week before we get there. Amazing.

Three for three. You get so used to sending emails to companies that are never returned, and here I had three different responses within hours. And not just generic responses, but honest-to-goodness help. Especially the restaurant manager who's breaking the rules to help us out.

Makes me feel pretty darn good about getting there and meeting these awesome people!
For anyone who's going to the area, here are my recommendations - without even having been there yet.

For cabs, there's Long Beach Yellow Cab.
At the Santa Monica Pier you can visit the Aquarium for only a $2 entrance fee.
For dinner, hit the Mariasol Mexican Restaurant right at the end of the pier.

Oh, an email just popped up on my computer. Now I'm 4 for 4. I emailed LAX because I needed some information that I couldn't find on their site.

This is shaping up to be a pretty darn good trip!

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