Sunday, October 31, 2010

Part 2 of My Trip to Portugal Oct 29-31

Friday there has been lots of rain, very stormy one minute and then the sun comes out for a while, the wind blows and it rains again. Lisbon has had lots of flooding, but here in the village in the mountains, the rain runs down the streets into the river so there is no flooding here. Went out for a very nice dinner of Roast Pork and did some shopping in Aveiro which is quite a big city about a 45 minute drive from Vale Miaor. We are back home this evening and the rain is coming down hard and pounding on the rooftops.
Oct 30
This is Saturday morning and today there is a market in the town. There is all kinds of fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, lots of fish, and beautiful flowers to buy very cheap! Oscar bought me a nice pair of boots as I did not bring any with me and it has been wet. Because of the rain we opted to stay home tonight and watch some TV.
Oct 31
Today the weather is still wet but getting better and not as much rain. We walk the village and check out the gardens, orchards full of manderina, orange, lemon, fig and olive trees. We then drive to Bussaco, where we tour the gardens and grande hotel as well as the nunnery and chappell that is famous for over hundreds of years. We then take a short drive to Luso that has a famous drinking fountain where people take there water bottles and fill for free. Oscar has mentioned all over Portugal there are drinking fountains where people get there clean drinking water as well as there are still public washing holes where woman from the village take their washing to clean in the fresh water. Tonight we are visiting an old friend of Oscars, who was very surprised to see us.They have a beautiful home as well and we are enjoying a drink and a laugh tonight.
Eventhough it is Halloween in North America it is not really celebrated here like we do at home.
Tomorrow is a holiday here- All Saints Day where families, relatives, friends come together at the cemetary so I will write more tomorrow.

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