Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Laura's Journey to Costa Rica

Just a quick note to say Hi! Made it to Costa Rica just fine although it was a bit of a long day of travel.

The resort, Riu Guanacaste, is really quite lovely despite being large. I don´t really like big resorts but this one is nice. There are not a lot of people here either which is also kind of great. The fringe benefit of travelling in off season. The staff are really good and you don´t have to wait for anything, which can be good or bad depending on how many drinks they are serving you!

It is super hot here. And quite windy. I highly recommend sunscreen that is not of the spray variety because it seems to end up everywhere but on the places you want it, which is why I have a bit of a sunburn on my back right now. The ocean is really nice, big waves. The volcanic sand is really hot so you have to do a bit of a sprint or you will burn the feet.

I took a long walk on the beach today and actually saw a little family of baby turtles, some were not alive but I think that there were a few that were okay. My first turtle sighting!

We are off to do a boat tour of Palo Verde tomorrow and I hope that we will see a few animals, birds, etc. On Wednesday we are going to Nicaragua.

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