I know Manitobans are all about the golf, but what about the shorter version - mini-golf? We took a family day this past Saturday and decided to tour the south end of the city and hit all the mini-golf courses. Checked the Yellow Pages and we had 4 to enjoy; and then we were going to cruise into Lorette to have lunch at the Drive In.
First stop, Golfland. It's on Niakwa, just by the Mint. We've been going here for years and years, and it used to be $1.50 to golf. Now it's $4 but they've updated so it's okay. And $4 still isn't going to break the bank. Their theme is The World, and each hole is a different country. They used to have a Mt. Fuji at Japan but it was nearly impossible to get the ball in. It took so many tries you'd finally give up, so they pulled that out. Now Japan is just two little ornaments/statues sitting beside the hole - pretty funny. A good, simple course, nothing really challenging and just great fun for the family. We even had a family tournament here years ago and everybody really had a great time.
They also have a driving range and baseball practice area, but for us it's all about the mini-golf.
Next, we hop on the #1 towards Tinkertown, Fun Mountain and Grand Prix, all close together. But first, we decide we're going to grab lunch. So, into Lorette we go and enjoy burgers and perogies at Brian's Drive In. It was a cool day, but still lots of families out for ice cream.
After lunch, we hit Grand Prix Amusements. Even though they have about a dozen different games/rides, (the biggest and best known being their go kart track) we're just there for the Pirate Golf (you may have seen the Jolly Roger flying high on the ship at the front of the park). But, once I'm standing in line, I can't help but buy tickets for the Balloon Bomb. For $1 you get 3 water balloons. There's three of us, so my step-son and I decide to take 5 balloons against hubby's 4 balloons. You stand under a partial roof and slingshot your balloon to the other side, trying to burst it right in front of them, or else get it through an opening in the roof and drop it right on their head! We did terrible. We either over or under shot and never got him once. Unfortunately, after his first shot landed in the parking lot, he figured it out and we paid the price!
After getting soaked, now it's time to dry off while we mini-golf. This is a really fun course, well laid out and lots of variety in the holes. None of them are so challenging that they're not fun, but none are completely easy either. And we even had a hole in one!
First stop, Golfland. It's on Niakwa, just by the Mint. We've been going here for years and years, and it used to be $1.50 to golf. Now it's $4 but they've updated so it's okay. And $4 still isn't going to break the bank. Their theme is The World, and each hole is a different country. They used to have a Mt. Fuji at Japan but it was nearly impossible to get the ball in. It took so many tries you'd finally give up, so they pulled that out. Now Japan is just two little ornaments/statues sitting beside the hole - pretty funny. A good, simple course, nothing really challenging and just great fun for the family. We even had a family tournament here years ago and everybody really had a great time.
They also have a driving range and baseball practice area, but for us it's all about the mini-golf.
Next, we hop on the #1 towards Tinkertown, Fun Mountain and Grand Prix, all close together. But first, we decide we're going to grab lunch. So, into Lorette we go and enjoy burgers and perogies at Brian's Drive In. It was a cool day, but still lots of families out for ice cream.
After lunch, we hit Grand Prix Amusements. Even though they have about a dozen different games/rides, (the biggest and best known being their go kart track) we're just there for the Pirate Golf (you may have seen the Jolly Roger flying high on the ship at the front of the park). But, once I'm standing in line, I can't help but buy tickets for the Balloon Bomb. For $1 you get 3 water balloons. There's three of us, so my step-son and I decide to take 5 balloons against hubby's 4 balloons. You stand under a partial roof and slingshot your balloon to the other side, trying to burst it right in front of them, or else get it through an opening in the roof and drop it right on their head! We did terrible. We either over or under shot and never got him once. Unfortunately, after his first shot landed in the parking lot, he figured it out and we paid the price!
After getting soaked, now it's time to dry off while we mini-golf. This is a really fun course, well laid out and lots of variety in the holes. None of them are so challenging that they're not fun, but none are completely easy either. And we even had a hole in one!
From Grand Prix we head down the highway to Tinkertown and Fun Mountain. They're on the same road so this makes it easy. BUT, while we're driving by we can't see any mini-golf in Tinkertown. And I don't remember seeing it when I was there a couple years ago. So we stop at Fun Mountain first.
They were listed in the Yellow Pages for mini-golf and we're excited to try this course that's new to us. We had no idea they had a mini-course. Up to the ticket window we go and there's no price for mini-golf listed. When I ask the girl behind the counter, it turns out they have a "private" course, for swimmers only!!! You have to pay the $10 (or whatever) entrance fee to the park, and then still pay the $5 for the golf game. Oh no! While I'm trying to reason with the girl to let us in because we're obviously not there to swim and they DID list it in the phone book without any notation about it not being for the general public, but only for park visitors, a security guard comes by and decides to let us in! Yay!!! I didn't get her name, but she showed us the way to the mini-golf course. Thank you! I really wish they could open it up to everyone because it was a super course. It was so much fun, it was the best of the day! After our game, as we're leaving, we stopped by the front to let her know we're on our way out and thank her again for helping us out.
After we leave, we drive by Tinkertown again and still can't see a golf course, and parking is pretty bad, so we decide to call it a day without trying Tinkertown.
Outside of the south, there's only a couple other options that we're aware of - Golf Dome and Tuxedo. Plus I've heard a rumour there may be one in Lockport so we're looking into that. We'll save those for another day!

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